3 October 2010
Morley Selver, the Director of Certification for PMAC would like to congratulate four new candidates who passed our Certified Agile Project Manager exam on October 2nd in Toronto: Mikael Andersson, Tom Emrich, Lionel Mann, and Jean Michaud. They have been added to our Cert.APM Directory. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Agile Project Manager, please read the Cert.APM program details.
27 September 2010
PMAC is proud to announce that it has secured a 50% discount for members wishing to participate in this webinar hosted by one of our sponsors Multi-Media Publications Inc. The webinar will be presented by world-famous project manager Richard Morreale and it will focus on the top 10 reasons why project are still failing, despite decades of effort and loads of money spent trying to improve the situati
15 September 2010
Kevin Aguanno, our Vice President, has released a new article on comparing the project management complexity across different project types. To access the article and leave your feedback, click on the link below:
Article - My Project is Harder than Your Project
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