PMAC Mailing Address

You can contact the Project Management Association of Canada (Association de gestion de projet du Canada) at the following mailing addresses:

General Address

For membership applications and general communications, please use the following address. (Certification-related communications should be sent to the address for the PMAC Certification Body further down on this page.)

Project Management Association of Canada
455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

To communicate with the PMAC Certification Body for providing certification applications, etc. please use the following address:

Project Management Association of Canada
Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada, L1J 8L6

Fax: (416) 986-5777


General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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