PMI Considering an Agile Project Mangement Certification with the PMAC Cert.APM as a Pre-Requisite

PMI is considering producing a new agile project management certification. Their current consultation process has selected individuals being asked to complete an online survey where they are asked about their interest in such a certification and how that certification program might be structured. One of the options being considered is having the Project Management Association of Canada's Certified Agile Project Manager (Cert.APM) qualification as a pre-requisite.

The consultation process is nearly over -- surveys must be completed by 23 July 2010. For those interested, here is the link:


General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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