NEW Prep. Courses Available for Certified Project Management Associate (CPMA) / IPMA Level-D certification exam for 2013!

The PMAC-AGPC Certification Board has just announced the new set of Certified Project Management Associate (CPMA) / IPMA Level-D certification exam prep. courses for 2013.

These courses have been accredited by the Project Management Association of Canada as meeting its standards for quality, accuracy, substantiveness, and professionalism.

For the full list of available courses please check our "Upcoming Events" page.


General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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