2 October 2009
A new article by our Director of Professional Development, Kevin Aguanno, is available in our article archive. The article is about low-cost training options for project managers.
7 July 2009
(PMAC-AMPC.CA) July 6, 2009 - Today the board of directors of the Project Management Association of Canada has formally approved the new Canadian Project Management National Competence Baseline (CPMNCB). The CPMNCB is based upon version three (v3.0) of the IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) standard published by the International Project Management Association (IPMA). The CPMNCB will be used as the basis for project management knowledge and competence assessments by the association, and should be read by all Canadian project managers to help them plan out their own skills and career growth. Now that this Canadian standard has been approved, the association can complete the development of questions for its upcoming IPMA Level-D certification exam to be announced later this year. The CPMNCB will be available for free download to all Canadian project managers later this summer. For a copy of the CPMNCB, go to ----- ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION
7 July 2009
( July 6, 2009 - The Project Management Association of Canada is pleased to announce that its board of directors has approved two new project management specialty certifications on the topic of agile project management. * PMAC Certificate in Agile Project Management (Cert.APM) - This is an entry-level certification similar in content to Scrum Master Certification intended to provide certification in the core agile management concepts and practices. * PMAC Advanced Certificate in Agile Project Management (Sr.APM) - This advanced certification includes an assessment of in-depth knowledge and experience managing agile projects in a variety of complex situations, including both a written exam and the submission of a detailed document describing how agile techniques were applied on a real project. The association will be announcing examination dates for these new certifications this fall.
1 April 2009
On March 28, 2009 the PMAC culminates two years of preparation work with its formal application for IPMA membership as the IPMA member association for Canada. Grant Kerr, PMAC Treasurer, was present in Nuremburg, Germany at the latest IPMA Council of Delegates meeting to make the formal application in person.
The IPMA Council of Delegates voted to give PMAC "transitional" membership status.

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