
4 May 2010

Great news for those who have been watching this space for the big announcement...

As of today, the Certified Agile Project Manager (Cert.APM) Exam is now available online. There is an Online Cert.APM Exam Application that can be completed, PLUS the exam itself will be delivered via our online examination service.

Exam pre-requisites still have to be met; however, past students of accredited Cert.APM exam preparation courses are now able to sign up online to complete their agile PM certification at their convenience.

4 May 2010

Those interested in PMAC membership at both the regular member ($100) and student member ($25) rates can now sign up and pay online using our online membership application form. The same form can be used for membership renewals. This speeds up membership application processing and provides for instant access to the Members Forum section of our web site. Note that those renewing a membership may find additional fields of information that need to be provided.

4 May 2010

PMAC's new Canadian National Project Awards follow a rigorous assessment model promoted by the IPMA. To conduct these assessments, we'll need a number of trained assessors. (Assessors will receive a fee for their assessment work.)

CNP Award Assessor training will take place in Toronto from Friday, September 10, 2010 to Sunday, September 12, 2010. Please contact Alex Jalalian, our Director of Awards ( if you are interested in becoming an assessor.

Detailed information and a CNP Assessor Application Form are available on our CNP Assessor Training page.

4 May 2010

To recognize those who stand out among all of our volunteers, the Board of Directors of the association will award the annual Volunteer of the Year Awards. There are two awards available for the Board of Directors to give:

  • PMAC-AGPC Volunteer of the Year Award - available to all regular members in good standing
  • PMAC-AGPC Young Volunteer of the Year Award - available to PMAC Young Crew members in good standing.

    Award and nomination details are available on our PMAC-AGPC Volunteer Awards page.



General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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