
12 August 2021

PMAC presents the developing you PM career webinar series


Achieving a Successful future with Agile Operations


31 May 2021


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PMAC Webinar: Developing Organizational Agility

In this first webinar, Rich Batchelor will explore the value of agile organizations to navigate and succeed with all types of change events, expected and unforeseen. Demonstrating the strengths of being agile, true leadership embraces the agile mindset to support, guide and be true servants the people within their organization.



General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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