2011 Canadian Project Management Book Awards

The Project Management Association of Canada is proud to announce the opening of the 2011 Canadian Project Management Book Awards. Through this programme we will highlight the best Canadian books on project management-related topics.


To be eligible for one of these awards, a book must meet a number of criteria:

  • New Publication - A book must be published during 2010 or 2011, or have a 2010 or 2011 copyright date on the back of the title page. If the copyright date is not 2010/2011, then the person submitting a book for these awards must provide proof of a 2010/2011 publication date, such as a letter from the publisher stating a 2010/2011 publication date, or a printout from one of the major bibliographic databases (TitleSource, Books in Print, etc.). Unpublished manuscripts are not eligible.
  • Canadian Publication - To be eligible, a book must be considered "Canadian" by satisfying one or both of these criteria:
    1. Author (or at least one co-author) is a Canadian citizen at the time of publication
    2. Publisher is a Canadian company. Canadian divisions of international publishing companies are eligible if the book was published by the Canadian division and carries a Canadian ISBN number.
  • Project Management Focused - The book must primarily deal with project management-related topics. Topics that are eligible for inclusion must be taken from the 46 competence elements of the Canadian Project Management National Competency Baseline (CPMNCB).
  • English or French - While the application forms are currently only available in English, books submitted may be written in either English or French. Reviewers will only review book in whose language they are fluent, yet all of the books in a category (regardless of language) will be pooled together for final scoring and ranking.

Application Process

To submit an eligible book for this awards programme, an applicant must submit an application form (see link at the bottom of this page), three (3) copies of the book, and a cheque of $50 per book for each award category entered to:

Project Management Association of Canada
Book Awards Program
Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

Once books have been submitted, they become the property of the Project Management Association of Canada and will not be returned. Two of the three copies will be provided to reviewers who may annotate the book during their review process; these books will be kept by the reviewers as payment for their review. The third copy may be used by the Director of Awards to break ties during the final tabulation and ranking process. Copies not needed by the Director may be used as door prizes at PMAC member events.

Applicants may be the author, an employee of the publisher, or a publicist hired by either the author or publisher. Other applicants will not be accepted.

Award Categories

A book must be entered into at least one category, but may optionally be submitted into additional categories. An entry fee of $50 per category entered must be included with the books, as noted above. For 2011, the three categories are:

  1. PM Technical Competence - Books dealing primarily with one of the twenty (20) technical competence elements of the CPMNCB. The winner in this category will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - PM Technical Competence" and the runners up will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - Award of Merit"
  2. PM Behavioural Competence - Books dealing primarily with one of the fifteen (15) behavioural competence elements of the CPMNCB. The winner in this category will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - PM Behavioural Competence" and the runners up will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - Award of Merit"
  3. PM Contextual Competence - Books dealing primarily with one of the eleven (11) contextual competence elements of the CPMNCB. The winner in this category will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - PM Contextual Competence" and the runners up will receive the "2011 Canadian Project Management Book Award - Award of Merit"


    Timelines and Judging Process

    The cutoff date for applications is October 1, 2011. Applications, payments, or books received after this time disqualify the entry for inclusion in the 2011 awards. Late entry forms and cheques will be shredded, and any late-entry books received will be used as door prizes for PMAC member events.

    Books will be reviewed by a team of volunteer reviewers during the period from 1 October 2011 through 15 November 2011. Each book will be assessed against a number of criteria, with each book being reviewed by two separate volunteers. Each reviewer will complete a scorecard for each book.

    The Director of Awards (or a delegate) will average the scorecard results for each book, ranking the books in each category. The top book in each category will receive the award for that category, with up to three (3) runners up in each category receiving an award of merit.

    The Director of Awards (or a delegate) will also select one book from among all submitted entries to receive a special award: "2011 Canadian Project Management Book of the Year."

    All decisions of the judges and Director of Awards are final.

    Award finalists will be announced on the PMAC web site and will be notified via email during the week of 15 November 2011. The final winners and award presentations will take place at the 2011 Annual General Meeting in January 2011 in Toronto, Ontario.


    Prizes will be handed out at the awards ceremony by the Director of Awards or a delegate. Prizes include:

    • Finalists receiving an Award of Merit will receive a certificate and a free pass to an upcoming PMAC webinar or teleseminar.
    • The winning book in each of the three categories will receive a plaque, a free one-year membership, and a detailed review published on the PMAC website, and mention in a press release issued by the Association.
    • The winner of the 2011 Canadian Project Management Book of the Year award will receive a plaque, a free one-year membership, a detailed review posted on the PMAC website, and a press release dedicated to the winning book issued to the media.

General Address

Project Management Association of Canada

455 boulevard de la Gappe, Suite 201
Gatineau, Québec
Canada, J8T 0E1

Phone: (819) 410-0427

PMAC Certification Body

Project Management Association of Canada

Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 8L6

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