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In this entertaining webinar, project management practitioner Donald Pillittere illustrates a model fo analyzing barriers to project success with examples from his long career.

Why do we still have troubled projects?  One would think that after decades of formal project management training, organizational PM maturity models, individual PM competence development models, and countless magazines, books, and seminars that we would have figured this one out by now.  Our projects are still plagued by the same troubling issues, yet we never seem to see them coming until it is too late.

Enter Don Pillittere, author of Are We There Yet? Diary of a Project Manager and an entertaining speaker.  During this 60-minute webinar, he will share with us the "4 Ps of Project Management" model that he developed.  This model helps us identify and prepare to overcome the barriers to project success.  This model can be used for:
- Issue management
- Better planning
- Risk identification
- Resource planning
- and project context and environmental analysis.

This webinar is FREE for members of the Project Management Association of Canada (PMAC) and the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (ASAPM).  Non-members pay $10.

PMP's will earn 1 PDU for attending this event.  Claim PDUs under category 4.

The webinar runs from noon to 1pm Eastern time. 

Local dial-in numbers for cities across Canada and the USA will be provided to registrants to avoid long-distance tolls for participants.  You will need a web browser with internet access to view the slides, and a telephone to hear the audio portion of the presentation.


August 25th, 2010 12:00 PM   through   1:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
PMAC and ASAPM Members $ 0.00
Non-Members $ 10.00

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